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Friday, August 29, 2014

Wonderful Weekend Website

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One of our FISD elementary schools uses the Class Messenger app to communicate with parents. They send pictures of what they did that day, communicate information and can even do a quick survey. It is different from Remind because it allows for two-way communication.

Another one does Hassle-Free Fundraising with the Shoparoo app. It turns your shopping receipts into donations for your school. 

Click HERE for Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers. Each graphic organizer has teaching notes with lessons and tips on how to use it in the classroom. What makes these PDF's different than regular PDF's is the ability to type on them. 

Check out this Google App called Timer Loop. It is a simple application to create multiple timers and loop through them in sequence. Perfect for managing your students time. Get it from the Chrome Store. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Wonderful Weekend Websites

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Google Classroom!!!!

Here is what Google is saying about Google classroom --- " designed to help teachers create and collect assignments paperlessly, including time-saving features like the ability to automatically make a copy of a Google Document for each student. It also creates Drive folders for each assignment and for each student to help keep everyone organized.Students can keep track of what’s due on the Assignments page and begin working with just a click. Teachers can quickly see who has or hasn't completed the work, and provide direct, real-time feedback and grades right in Classroom." 
 I've learned a few things after playing with it, make a class for each section that you teach, and teach students how to make an appropriate comment.   Ready to try it?? Here is a link to some videos that will help you set up Google classroom. Don't forget you can always contact me for some one-on-one training. I can't wait to see the AWESOME ways Forney ISD will be using it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday Tech Tip 8/19/14

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Here are some helpful Technology Tips to start off your year.

Teachers get 4 hours a day of streaming time, so make sure you download your videos and music. Just FYI: If you click on an app to play your videos/music it is streaming. To download video use Anyvideoconverter from the Self Install Folder. 

Students get 1 hour a day of streaming time, remind your students to download their music so they will be able to use their device for educational purposes later in the day.
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To help all of us get to know one another make sure you have a signature on your Outlook and school Google accounts.  Here's a link to the tutorial. 

Want to forward your Google mail to your Outlook mail? Click here for a link to the tutorial. We are working on way to forward the other way from Outlook to Google. 

Here's a short video for some beginning of the year Forethought Scheduling tips. If you need more information there are a number of other tutorials on the District Handouts and Tutorials website. 

Need to access your 'H' Drive at home? Click here for the link. You will have to input your username and password.