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Friday, May 29, 2015

Fantastic Friday Finds 5/29/15

Here’s some websites for your kids:
  1. Click here for 1,000+ Apps, Apptivities and Projects to do with your kids this summer
  2. A Scientist’s Curiosity Cabinet for the older kids
  3. Open and Go Science Lessons for 3rd through 5th Grade

Now some things for you:
  1. 9 free ways to grow as an educator this summer.
  2. Cometdocs for converting documents and sharing them with others.
  3. Sign up for monthly Tips for Teaching with Technology from Marzano.
  4. 50 Alternatives to Lecturing, if you need help with any of these ideas contact me.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Fantastic Friday Finds 5/22/15

LucidPress is an online poster maker for everyone. They can be done collaboratively using items in your Google Drive. There are a library of templates as well as options for layering images, and adding videos to your projects.

What’s a Chromebook?
Chromebooks: Basics from youtube
Chromebook basics: Basics on thinglink   

Camp Wonderopolis is a free online summer-learning resource that offers 42 exciting units of STEM-based Wonders. It is targeted for grades 2-8 and it starts June 15th.  Make sure you register.

TenMarks is offering their family math program for free. The program is designed to review concepts from the past year, and introduce concepts for the year ahead.