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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Using Google Forms for Formative Assessment

Google forms is essentially a survey tool that teachers can pose questions and student’s answers can be analyzed. Knowledge skills can be assessed using these Google form question types: "Select Response", "Check Boxes", or "Choose from a list". Reasoning skills can be assessed using "Text", "Grid" or "Scale".


A “Ticket out the Door” assessment that focuses on knowledge and skills would ask specific questions and answers designed by the teacher.

Describe/summarize a concept in 3 words and the 3 words they choose must demonstrate what they have learned about the concept.   

A “Flipped Classroom” entry interview to access how prepared students are for class using a short answers text response. The student’s answers would reflect if the students understood some of the deeper reasoning from the independent assignment.

Students can complete a self-assessment/reflection form for students to complete after they have completed a project.

Give students a chance to voice their opinions, concerns, and questions though the use of “Text Paragraph Style” question. This allows students a chance to communicate about their learning.

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