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Monday, February 24, 2014

Edcamp Awesome

What can I say about #edcampawesome except that it was AWESOME!!! The facility was perfect, the swag was amazing, and the number of teachers and administrators that willingly gave up a Saturday was Awesome!!  To the large number of the participants had never attended an edcamp before, WAY TO GO. I spoke to one teacher who almost left because it was so far out of her comfort zone, but she hung in there and even set up a twitter account. Kudos to her for taking that first step, We have to celebrate those baby steps. 

As a confessed Twitterahloic,  I am constantly curating the content and building my LiveBinders with this content. I've added some links to the big topics of the day: gamification, Augmented Reality, Google in the classrooms. If you got the give-away from Picktochart and don't know what to do with it, here is a link to my Infographic binder. 

It was great to put faces to so many of the "twitters" that I follow. Thanks again for an AWESOME day of learning.

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